Gift of Joy

On a sunny spring morning, Tracy, a seven-year-old girl, skipped around her room, searching for a cozy spot to house her newest toy, Mr. Ducky. Tracy loved her toys dearly and never wanted to part with them. Every birthday brought new additions, squeezed onto already crowded shelves and into overflowing drawers.

“Hey, Mr. Bunny, can you find a snug corner for Mr. Ducky?” she asked her old stuffed friend, who had been with her since she was three.

Tracy turned to her mom for help when she realized no more space was left. “Mom, there’s no room left for Mr. Ducky. What should I do?” she asked, worried.

Tracy’s mom, with a voice as gentle as a summer breeze, searched high and low, but no suitable space presented itself. Sitting on the sofa, she let out a small sigh, realizing their tricky situation.

Tracy’s mom knew it was time to teach Tracy about sharing and kindness. “Sweetheart, I know it’s tough, but we have to donate some of these stuffed toys,” she explained gently.

Tracy’s clung tightly to her toys. But Tracy’s mom patiently explained the difference between selling and donating, showing her how giving to others can spread happiness.

Tracy began to understand. “Will giving my toys to other kids really make them happy?” she wondered aloud.

“Yes, my dear. It will make their faces light up with joy!” her mom reassured her, with a warm smile.

Inspired by the thought of bringing smiles to other kids, Tracy eagerly prepared a box for donation.

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2 Responses

  1. Trisha says:

    It’s a very sweet story about a small girl tracy .

  2. Usha rai says:

    It’s a lovely story that Tracy learns sharing her toys 🧸.

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