The Dumb Lie

Elina and Kay are siblings and they have a dog named Teddy. Elina is in 7th grade and Kay is in class 1. One day when Elina came from school she saw a small ball in Teddy’s mouth. She took it and said “Ugh that’s disgusting”. Then, Elina threw the small ball into the trashcan. Kay came into the room and said “Where is my ball?”. Elina started to panic and lied”Wait…that was…uhh…Teddy ATE it!”. Kay was astonished and started to call their mother. Their mom came and asked what was wrong. Elina was stressed. Kay replied “Mom! Teddy ate my ball. He is a superhero!”. Their Mother was astonished. She quickly got her phone and made an emergency appointment with the vet. She got her car keys and said “Let’s go kids! Teddy needs to see the vet. It’s really serious!”. Now, Elina was going nuts. Mother pulled up near a building and rushed into it. The vet checked Teddy while, Elina sat crossing her fingers. The vet asked what was the problem. Their Mother said that Teddy ate a ball. The vet said that there was nothing wrong… because if he had ACTUALLY eaten a ball then he would’ve been dead. Elina stood up and said “Maybe GOD docent want him DEAD!”. The vet ran out of the room and exclaimed “OMG that dog is a superhero”. Everyone started whispering among themselves. Mother rushed out of the room and that is when the situation got out of control, the news channel people came in and started to ask Elina and Kay’s mother questions about Teddy the Superhero. The newspeople were not letting us see where we were going and we ended up in one of the news reporter’s car. We reached a building and once again the news reporter gathered around us and pushed us into the news channel place. The person in charge started to ask how Teddy became a superhero. Elina and Kay’s mother started to get uncomfortable so, Elina said “It was a lie, there is no such thing like a dog that can never die!”. When they reached home Kay and Elina sighed. Their mother looked at Elina who backed away immediately. Elina said “I am sorry I didn’t know that this lie could go this far…I am really sorry…”. Mother said “Its ok but next time do not lie to any of us. I really thought Teddy ate a ball!”. Everyone started laughing and Elina patted Teddy. They lived happily ever after and that’s not a lie! Well have you ever witnessed something like that!? If u have, then comment down👇Thx.

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