The Witches Magic (Part 1)

Once upon a time there was a girl named Laura. She had a loving grandmother who took care of her. Laura’s grandmother loved to narrate stories to Laura. One day Laura’s grandmother told her to keep all the old storybooks in the attic. Laura agreed happily and went upstairs. She entered the attic, kept the books and started going back to her grandmother when her eyes fell upon a glittering light. She walked slowly toward it and lifted the blanket covering it. A blinding light covered the attic and faded. “Wow what a mystical book! Maybe it contains good stories I should take it to grandma” said Laura. Laura rushed to her grandma. “Grandma see what i found a lovely storybook!” Laura shouted. Grandma lifted her gaze on the book and her eyes widened. She looked troubled. “What happened grandma… what’s the problem?” Laura asked. Grandma said “This is nothing you should know about…” and whispered a spell. Laura suddenly fell fast asleep. Laura woke up knowing nothing about the book or grandma’s unusual behavior. Laura asked “What is for dinner grandma?”. “Barbeque chicken” Grandma said. Laura felt that grandma was hiding something. Few days later, Laura couldn’t find her grandma for breakfast. Laura looked everywhere but couldn’t find her. Laura went up in the attic and found her grandma chanting words or should i say spells! Laura asked scared “Grandma… what are you doing?”. Grandmother turned and said “Oh dear Laura I cant hide it anymore…”. “Are you… A WITCH!?” Laura asked shaking. “Yes but not a bad one” grandma sighed. “Its time to tell you the truth Laura. My real name is Glinda and I use to serve the East Witch empire our queen Allegra who is your mother”. “My mother! didn’t she die in an accident?” Laura asked astonished. “No that was a lie she was cursed by the bad witches from the south so now she is no more our beautiful queen but a ugly & monstrous dragon and it is told that only the phoenix can reverse the curse by defeating the evil witches of the south” Grandma explained. “That is why I am trying to find the phoenix”. “That is a very sad story I wish i could save my mother” Laura sobbed. “Oh don’t you cry dear. Now that you know let me show you the empire” Grandma told Laura. Grandmother muttered a spell and with a wink of an eye Laura found herself in front of a large castle.

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